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Sarah Vandermyden
Rita DeCamilli

2014 Progenitor Staff

Rita DeCamilli is the co-editor of Arapahoe Community College's Progenitor 2014 edition. She is finishing her associates in journalism here at ACC, and plans to transfer to Metro State to pursue a bachelors in public relations. She has been happily married for thirty-two years and finds inspiration from her family, pets and life. Her dream job would be, to be the public relations manager for her favorite band, until then she is currently working on a children's book series.

Melissa Black
Creative Director & Web Editor
Poetry Editor
Kaitlyn Gartling
Assistant Editor & Promotions
Art & Photography Co-Editor

Sarah VanDermyden is the co-editor for the 2014 issue of the Progenitor. This is her third semester at ACC and has lived in Colorado for a little over two years. She has been working for a Boeing subsidiary company while attending school. Sarah is an English major and is very interested in writing or possibly teaching at a college level.

Melissa Black is the poetry editor and design and production co-editor for the 2014 edition of Progenitor. She is a creative writing major planning to transfer to Adam's State University to pursue a writing degree. She is an avid poetry writer and reader, an artist, and is currently writing her first book.

Juli Gage-Macdonald
Non-Fiction Editor & Promotions

Juli Gage-Macdonald has had work published in Colorado Mesa State’s The Literary Review and is currently working on a collection of poetry. As a wound/ostomy nurse, she encounters the strength of the human spirit on a daily basis and finds great inspiration in these experiences. Gage-Macdonald lives in Centennial, Colorado, with her third (and favorite) husband, two dogs and four cats.

Jillian Crawford

Fiction Editor & Production Manager

Jillian Crawford is the fiction editor and production manager for Progenitor. She has previously self-published one novella and is currently working on two novels. Her goal is to become an English professor to help her students catch up to college-level reading and writing.


Dr. Kathyrn Winograd

Dr. Kathyrn Winograd served as the advisor for this year's Progenitor class.  She was an invaluable guide throughout the process, as well as a calm influence through occasionally turbulent tides.

John Hall and StudioACC were of an immeasurable amount of assistance in implementing the design and layout portion of the Progenitor. Without their patience and determination the journal would not be what it is!

John Hall

and StudioACC

Howard Golden

Howard Golden consulted with us frequently throughout the process and was tasked with the huge job of implementing and coding the online content. He was a valuable resource and was always there for us with technical assistance.

Kaitlyn Gartling is the assistant editor and promotions director for the Progenitor. She enjoys reading and writing and loves learning how works are edited and published. She hopes to transfer to Metropolitan State University and study the marketing / advertising side of things. Her dream job would be working as a journalist and lending a voice to others who want to share their story.

Amber Robinson
Art & Photography Editor

Faculty Advisors

Nicole Renee Traub

Co-Art Director

Nicole is  the co-art director for the Progenitor 2014. She is graduating this May with her A.A.S in Graphic Design and Illustration. Graphic design is her passion. She loves being able to put a creative touch on anything and everything possible. Nicole’s additional hobbies include photography, ceramics, reading and writing.


Amber Robinson, Art and Photography Editor for the 2014 Progenitor, is finishing her emphasis in creative writing. She has her Associates of Arts here at Arapahoe Community College and is now working on her Bachelors at CU Denver. She is not exactly sure what she will be doing for her life long career but has been an entrepreneur of sorts and loves snowboarding, music, art, photography and creative writing.

© Copyright 2013 - Progenitor Art & Literary Magazine. all rights reserved.

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